The Skill Of Fatherhood + Family Plan Calendar and 7 Day Family Course FREE
This calendar is 16x20". Each calendar is 26 weeks.
The Skill of Fatherhood Masterclass + Family Plan Calendar and 7 Day Family for FREE
NOTE: You will be emailed login access to both courses immediately upon purchasing!
The Skill of Fatherhood Masterclass
This masterclass is for fathers (and mothers or wives too!) of all ages. It unpacks an entire system of how to be the father you want to be but aren’t sure how to be. It digs into the Scriptures and recovers a model hidden in plain sight of the Father coach, giving obvious ways to level up your family immediately. The masterclass concentrates explicitly on the three skills of being a good father: training your children, coaching a family team on mission, and living multi- generationally.
Watch and work through the videos from anywhere you have an internet connection, on a computer, ipad, or on your phone and feel like you are hanging out with Jeff and Jeremy in your living room as they help you rethink your entire vision of what it means to be a dad.
The course includes videos in all 3 modules, as well as bonus videos where we interview other families who have made this shift and how it has gone for them.
34 Page Digital Workbook
In conjunction with your video masterclass, you’ll receive the Finding Freedom digital workbook complete with questions and exercises to help you go deeper and process throughout this journey!
The Family Plan Calendar
We went from running through our house trying to “do all the things” to only doing the some of the things — the right things — because we’d taken the time to plan it out in advance. We stopped just feeding the kids, and then eating dinner ourselves later, to sitting down around the table almost every night for a meal together. We carved out more time as a family than ever before, and yet also had more time to do things individually. And possibly the best thing is that we created habits and a rhythm to our days that our kids are now learning from and depending on.
For way too long we felt like we were just surviving life at home as a family, and not thriving as a family. On the other hand, as small business owners, we had all sorts of tools in place to plan, execute, grow, and stay organized as a business! But then we would come home, and instantly life felt scattered again. Why wasn’t there something to help keep our family intentional, organized and simple? And out of that realization, and frustration, the Family Plan Calendar was created.
The 7 Day Family
What is this magic tool you ask? You’ve probably already heard of it. It’s called….the week.
Human beings were designed by God to live in a series of seven day cycles.
But for the most part we ignore this design.
That’s why families today are sprinting toward burnout. We live unfocused, scattered and disordered lives. But it doesn’t have to be this way.
There’s a tempo, a cadence God put into the world at the dawn of creation. If you learn to dance to the rhythm of this tempo, not only as an individual but as a whole family, amazing things begin to happen.
Are you ready to go on a journey of living as a family in a rhythm of seven days?
Would you like to build a Seven Day Family?
In this course and through the workbook we’ll walk you step by step through the process of:

- Understanding how to bring balance to repeating activities
- How to establish a day of rest (even through tough seasons with small kids)
- How to sync up your rhythms within the family
- How to craft your ideal week and steadily make progress over time
- How to bring deeper meaning into your life through the weekly rhythm
- How to avoid burnout and living life through the obligations imposed by others
- The ancient wisdom that has been lost about how to view life as a whole
We’ll give you practical examples and case studies from our family’s 17-year journey toward living in a series of seven days.
We also bring insights from working with over a hundred families in every imaginable season and how they’ve learned to overcome common obstacles.
You can do this!
We believe your family is designed to live life in the rhythm of a week.
It’s time to receive this gift being offered to you by a God who knows how to bring balance and rest into our lives.
So prepare to unroll the canvas of the week as we begin to move your family away from burnout and toward productivity and peace.
What you’ll find in this
12 Videos and a Guide to Building Your Own Rhythm
In the videos we cover things like:
- How to Craft a Day of Rest
- Optimizing Your Weekly Rhythm
- How to Sync up the Family To Live in Seven Days
As well as insights in overcoming specific challenges in videos like:
- 10 Tips for Moms on How to Live Rhythmically
It’s time to stop burning the candle at both ends chasing some ideal time in the distant future and it’s time to start to craft your ideal week today. Life is now and we’re missing it.

Join our families and many others who have rediscovered what ancient families knew but what modern families have lost: