A Mom's Intentional Guide to Summer (PDF)
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Moms, here is your ultimate guide to summer! Recipes, activities, verses, and devotional thoughts, this PDF is a 55 page 6 section book I wanted to write to equip and encourage any other moms out there who need a little direction and inspiration for the summer! Because let's be honest, within a few weeks of summer starting we’re just burned out, or don’t have any more ideas of how to keep our kids entertained, or lose vision or just need a mom vacation ourselves! Or maybe summer can just slowly slip past us, and not be quite what we had hoped for. The days can be nice and restful, but without much planning can slip by us without making the memories we had dreamed of when summer began.
As an avid summer lover, and as one who needs loose planning to have motivation throughout the days and weeks I’ve learned to plan things loosely because I can tend to get too rigid and then get overwhelmed and the joy gets sucked out of it all. So planning more with bullet items instead of hour by hour, or having a list of 3 to-do’s for the week, instead of 30 for my day it helps me to live with grace and not get overwhelmed or expect too much out of myself.
So we’ve worked super hard the last few years to try and make summer exactly what we want it to be. And what’s the secret? Just a tiny bit of intentionality.
So that’s what you’re reading! I hope it helps cultivate a special summer that is full of memories and also helps to prevent burnout and exhaustion, as well as a feeling of meaning and depth and richness as summer comes to a close! In
it you’ll find ways to keep Jesus at the center of your summer, how to create routines and rhythms to set you and your family up for success, fun summer recipes, ways to plan intentional time with each kid, and how to capture them all.
My hope is that this will be a way to make those pinterest summer boards come to life (but without all the dumb Pinterest pressure because let’s be honest, my projects never quite turn out like my pinterst boards!), while encouraging your mama heart and help to cultivate joy. Enjoy!!